html website builder

I stand alone
Beside the sea.
I watch the winds
Who follow me.


Stars are silent
In my heart,
And the whole world
Stands apart.


I sing softly
To myself,
Humming elf songs
From the shelf.


People glance at
Me and frown,
Puzzled, frightened.
I look down.


People pass me
By and they
Cannot grasp me
Look away.


Sometimes someone
Looks at me and
Wonders, waits.


Sometimes I hold
Out my hand,
With myself
Inside it and


Hope somebody
Saying this is
Who I am.


Very rarely
Someone sees me,
And I barely
Feel it frees me.


They perceive the
Hopes I haunt.
They believe the
Worlds I want.


Warily I
Squint and smile.
Someone loves me
For awhile.


Then they see the
Things in me
Who I beguile,


And they tire of
How I grieve,
Lost like madness,
And they leave.


I sing softly
By myself,
Placing pledges
On the shelf.


Putting promises
People say them.
They don't stay.


Watch the sky
Grow bright and blue.
I don't want to
Frighten you.


Watch the worlds
Whisk words away.
Don't believe
The things you say.


I grow guarded --
Build a wall
Of smiles and irony.
I fall


Friendless, free
Into the far
And foreign sea
Of who you are.
And watch a star.