translated by Jethro Bithell
WHETHER sun or moon is out,
While the wind of May is blowing,
While the trees the grass are strowing,
Lads and lasses dance and shout!
Round and round and round we go
O'er the blossoms' falling snow.
Dark and fair and east and west,
Kiss the one that you love best.
Raise your garlands overhead!
Crimson blood of blazing roses
Blended with the lilies' snows is
Which upon the sward are shed.
And I know the balustrade,
You will lean on, half afraid;
Look and choose your loveliest,
Kiss the one that you love best.
Laughter, fiddle, flute, and fife
Turn like leaves in the wild wind's eddy;
Have you got your answer ready,
If he ask you now to wife?
Take no heed, but laugh aloud,
Speak not, if you are too proud
For your love to be confessed;
Kiss the one that you love best.