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  1. Apple Blossoms, by William Wilsey Martin

  2. April, by Amy Lowell

  3. April, by Mary Dow Brine

  4. April, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. April, by Robert Elliott Gonzales

  6. An April Day, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  7. At the End of Spring, by Bai Juyi

  8. Awakening from Sleep on a Spring Day, by Li Bai

  9. Birds of Spring, by Watie W. Swanzy

  10. The Bitter-Sweet of Spring, by Edith Matilda Thomas

  11. Blue-Butterfly Day, by Robert Frost

  12. By Broad Potomac's Shore, by Walt Whitman

  13. Come the Spring, by Christine Ann Clatworthy

  14. The Coming of Spring, by Arthur Symons

  15. The Coming of Spring, by Mary Dow Brine

  16. The Days of Spring, by Hafez

  17. From a Springtime, by Rainer Maria Rilke

  18. Gathering Flowers in May, by Mary Dow Brine

  19. The Glory of the Spring, by Clinton Scollard

  20. In May, by John Burroughs

  21. In April, by Edith Willis Linn Forbes

  22. It Was an April Morning: Fresh and Clear, by William Wordsworth

  23. Late Spring, by Robert Leighton

  24. Lines Written in Early Spring, by William Wordsworth

  25. Longing for Spring, by S. Moore

  26. May, by Christina Rossetti

  27. May, by Rose Terry Cooke

  28. A May Breeze, by Eliza Allen Starr

  29. May-Day, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  30. A May Evening, by Edith Willis Linn Forbes

  31. Monadnock in Early Spring, by Amy Lowell

  32. Ode to Spring, by Anna Letitia Barbauld

  33. One Day in May, by Clinton Scollard

  34. On the Backwardness of Spring 1771, by Anna Letitia Barbauld

  35. Our Gloomy Prospects of an Early Spring, by S. Moore

  36. A Prayer in Spring, by Robert Frost

  37. Primrose Time, by Mary Dow Brine

  38. Question--Answer, by Clara Marcelle Farrar Greene

  39. Spring, by Anacreon

  40. Spring, by André Spire

  41. Spring, by C. B. Langston

  42. Spring, by Dugald Moore

  43. Spring, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

  44. Spring, by Lola Ridge

  45. Spring, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  46. Spring, by Nellie Seelye Evans

  47. Spring, by Richard Francis Towndrow

  48. Spring, by Sarah Josepha Hale

  49. Spring, by S. Moore

  50. Spring, by Theophilus Marzials

  51. Spring, by William Blake

  52. Spring--A Revery, by S. Moore

  53. The Spring Bulbs' Advent, by Henry O'Meara

  54. Spring Evening, by Su Shi

  55. Spring in the Semi-Tropics, by Kenneth Rand

  56. Spring Morning, by A. E. Housman

  57. A Spring Morning, by Jean Lahor

  58. The Springs of Long Ago, by Edith Matilda Thomas

  59. Spring Song, by Dollie Radford

  60. Spring Song, by Evelyn Scott

  61. Spring Song, by Mary Fleming

  62. Spring Song, by Mary Morgan

  63. Springtime, by Dollie Radford

  64. Spring-Time, by Mary Dow Brine

  65. The Springtime Plains, by Badger Clark

  66. Spring Winds and Spring Flowers, by Eliza Allen Starr

  67. Tokens of Spring, by Horace G. Groser

  68. To Spring, by C. B. Langston

  69. To Spring, by William Blake

  70. True Spring, by Arthur Guiterman

  71. Vile Spring, by Pierre-Jean de BĂ©ranger

  72. The Young of Spring, by Edith Matilda Thomas