O heavenly Father, God of love!
We raise our hearts to thee above,
And all our wishes tell thee now,
As lowly at thy throne we bow.
We wish to be thine, wholly thine.
Oh, let thy Spirit through us shine!
Cleanse every heart from sinful dross,
Let not one by it suffer loss.
We wish to build of precious stones
On Him whose blood for all atones,
That we may stand the fiery test,
And in His arms at last find rest.
We wish to bear all we should bear,
And Satan's worst with thee would dare.
Oh, make us all thou'dst have us be,
That we may all thy glory see!
We wish, when chilly death draws near,
Thou'dst take away from us all fear;
Then let thy presence round us shine,
That we may taste of bliss divine.