Light on the distant hills!
While we in shadow rest,
A light that gleams through broken clouds
That sail from east to west,
That break and move and drift apart,
Revealing clearest blue,
And silver edges bright and clear
Where gleams the sunshine through.
Light on the distant hills!
Where pure on winter days
The white snow lies against the skies;
Where autumn's robes of haze
Fall round her golden sandaled feet,
Where summer grasses creep;
O'er which the years with dying tears
Pass onward to their sleep.
Light on the distant hills!
Beyond whose farthest rim
Are loving friends whose trust and truth
Through changes grow not dim;
Are homes where welcome warm awaits
And pleasures wing the hours;
And graves where faithful hearts are still
Beneath the grass and flowers.
Light on the distant hills!
That clearly, calmly rise,
Though weary grow the youthful feet
And dim the love-lit eyes;
The calm, grand, everlasting hills,
That ever changeless stand,
Though nations mourn their ruler's fall
And war sweep o'er the land.
Light on the distant hills!
The light of truth and right;
The years sweep on, the nations move,
And goodness gathers might.
The winds of God shall sweep the clouds
Away across the sky,
And all the shades shall be dispelled
That in the valleys lie;
And though these shadows linger still,
The heart with rapture thrills,
That while we wait and work and pray
The light shines on the hills!