Supposed to be spoken by one who had been a trooper in the Ironsides.
Now I know that the Lord, in his kindness,
Took those who have gone before,
Ere our leader went from us, and blindness
Came down on the land once more.
They were bitter days that came after,
When, as sheep whose great shepherd is fled,
'Mid the sound of their ribald laughter,
We buried our mighty dead.
Yea, a blindness fell on the nation;
And they craved for a king once more,
And they barter'd the land's salvation,
As God's people had done of yore.
And again the Lord God harken'd,
And he gave them their hearts' desire,
But the face of heaven was darken'd,
For God turned away in ire.
And the darkness has gathered round us,
And a mighty dread has come down,
For the wrath of the Lord has found us,
And who may abide His frown?
O! Lord! wilt thou turn again never?
A remnant are faithful to thee,
Arise in Thy wrath, and for ever
Our land from this tyranny free.