Some day in the unknown future
(For all things come to an end),
I shall stand again in the presence
Of her who was once my friend.
And the years that lie between us,
They will all be passed away,
When we are once more together,
In the light of that golden day.
We stood 'neath the whitening thorn tree,
At the orchard gate, by the stile;
And parted at last in the twilight,
Parted for years with a smile.
I deem'd we should wed in the June-tide,
And how many Junes have fled
Since the morning I opened the letter
Which told me that she was dead?
She knew that I did not love her,
I had spoken of one who went,
Whom death had early ta'en from me,
And I think that she was content,
When I said that I could not give her
The love that I gave before.
Ah! fool; and for all my life-time,
It is she I have missed so sore.
Not the fair-hair'd child who left me
In youth; but my friend who died
In all the glory of summer;
It is she whom I miss from my side.
It is she whom I dream of meeting
Once more, when life's journey is done,
And I turn my eyes with deep gladness
At length to the setting sun.