Bride of the woodland wide, dainty and undefiled,
Bright as the blessing thy beauty doth bring!
When April leadeth thee, with thy white garments free,
Up from the South, in the front of the Spring,
Shaking the snow of thy bridal robes sweet,
Flowing, in foamy surf, down to thy feet,
Bride of the woodland wild, dainty and undefiled,
Thee we are waiting to greet.
Winter has lingered long; O how we miss the song
That always welcomes thee over the hill,
The bold chee-wink, chee-wink, of the gay bobolink,
And the low call of the coy whippoorwill,
For thee doth the morning lark scatter the night;
For thee doth the tanager flash in his flight,
Bride of the woodland wild, dainty and undefiled,
Haste thee to dawn on our sight!
How thou wilt miss the one, who was the first to run,
Laughing, to mee thee along the lone glen!
Swallows are making search, and from the graceful birch
Kingfisher calls her again and again.
Long will the wren wait to show her small nest,
And the brown fledgelings beneath her proud breast,
Bride of the woodland wild, dainty and undefiled,
Darling has gone to her rest.