Rebuking Juliet
translated by Jethro Bithell
TO guard you from disaster,
Love-flags and standards flowing,
I gave you my hair with the sheen of
The sea when the North Wind is blowing.
Bucklers with mottoes loyal
Of love and charity,
I gave you my proud eyes to guard you
From your own vulgarity.
Goblet of music and balm,
I gave you for your delight,
My live mouth never calm,
As the rose on the rose-tree bright.
Dames of the wardrobe and chamber,
To bring you everything,
I gave you my hands that are nobler
Than the crown on the brow of a king.
And I gave you for your pleasures,
I gave you heaped on high,
All my spirit's treasures,
Like pearls cast into a sty.