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O how I long again to see
The vernal face of Spring,
And hear, from every budding tree,
Some little warbler sing.


I long to see the forest trees
Clothed in their robes of green,
And swaying in the gentle breeze
Display their glossy sheen.


I long to wander by the stream
Where sport the speckled trout,
Or in the noontide's genial gleam
See lambkins frisk about.


I long to see the sons of toil
Perform the noble deed
Of breaking up the stubborn soil
To plant the fertile seed.


I long to see the meadows green
Bespread with flowerets gay--
I long to have a change of scene
From winter cold and gray.


It won't be long--a little while
And snows will disappear
And Flora with her winning smile
Shall find a welcome here.