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  1. Absence, by Claude McKay

  2. Alone, by Edwin Leibfreed

  3. Alone, by Michael La Morte

  4. Desert Noise, by Conner Bassett

  5. It Is Sad To Be Lonely, by S. Moore

  6. Lonely, by André Spire

  7. The Lonely Road, by Kenneth Rand

  8. Miscast II, by Amy Lowell

  9. Solitude, by C. B. Langston

  10. Solitude, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  11. Solitude, by Ramesh Dohan

  12. Solitude, Shared, by Julie Rutherford

  13. Song of a Second April, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

  14. A Wanderer's Lament, by Ivory Simone

  15. When You Are Lonely, by Dollie Radford

  16. The Window, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

  17. With, by Shay Cook