A Mysterious Love
by: Hafez (c. 1325-1389)
translated by John Hindley
I have borne the anguish of love, which ask me not to describe:
I have tasted the poison of absence, which ask me not to relate.
Far through the world have I roved, and at length I have chosen
A sweet creature (a ravisher of hearts), whose name ask me not to disclose.
The flowing of my tears bedews her footsteps
In such a manner as ask me not to utter.
On yesternight from her own mouth with my own ears I heard
Such words as pray ask me not to repeat.
Why dost thou bite thy lip at me? What dost thou not hint (that I may have told?)
I have devoured a lip like a ruby: but whose, ask me not to mention.
Absent from thee, and the sole tenant of my cottage,
I have endured such tortures, as ask me not to enumerate.
Thus am I, HAFIZ, arrived at extremity in the ways of Love,
Which, alas! ask me not to explain.