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  1. Ah Sunflower, by William Blake

  2. As Children Bid the Guest Good-Night, by Emily Dickinson

  3. Asking for Roses, by Robert Frost

  4. A Bed of Wild Violets, by Eliza Allen Starr

  5. The Birth of the Red Rose, by William Wilsey Martin

  6. Black Flowers, by Pierre Quillard

  7. The Cardinal Flower, by John Burroughs

  8. The Closed Gentian, by Edith Matilda Thomas

  9. Columbines, by Teresa Hooley

  10. The Coquette Flower, by Ardelia Cotton Barton

  11. A Daffodil Day, by Teresa Hooley

  12. Daffodil Gold, by Clinton Scollard

  13. Daisies, by Rose Terry Cooke

  14. The Dandelion, by Alice Williams Brotherton

  15. Dandelions, by Andrew Downing

  16. The First Rose of Summer, by Robert Gilfillan

  17. Flower-Gathering, by Robert Frost

  18. A Flower of a Day, by Dinah Craik

  19. The Flower-Peddler, by Kenneth Rand

  20. Flowers, by Albert Laighton

  21. Flowers, by Edwin Curran

  22. Flowers, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  23. Flowers and Weeds, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  24. The Fringed Gentian, by Eliza Allen Starr

  25. Gather the Wild Flowers, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  26. Grotesque, by Amy Lowell

  27. A Handful of Flowers, by Mary Dow Brine

  28. Hepatica, by John Burroughs

  29. I Will Go Out and Look at the Flowers, by Edith Matilda Thomas

  30. June Roses, by Alice Williams Brotherton

  31. The Lady and the Rose, by Edwin Leibfreed

  32. The Lily, by William Blake

  33. The Lily of the Valley, by Paul Laurence Dunbar

  34. Lines on Violets, by James McIntyre

  35. The Lotus, by Li Bai

  36. May-Flower, by Emily Dickinson

  37. Monotropa, by Rose Terry Cooke

  38. My Lady Hyacinth, by Nellie Seelye Evans

  39. The Paschal Flower, by Eliza Allen Starr

  40. Perhaps You'd Like to Buy a Flower?, by Emily Dickinson

  41. Purple Aster, by May Riley Smith

  42. Purple Clover, by Emily Dickinson

  43. queen of all flowers, by Alessandro Cusimano

  44. Red Carnations, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  45. A Red Flower, by Claude McKay

  46. Red Geranium on an Isolation Ward, by Maggie Sawkins

  47. Regret for Red Peonies, by Bai Juyi

  48. The Reign of the Roses, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  49. The Rhodora: On Being Asked, Whence is the Flower?, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  50. The Rose, by Anacreon

  51. The Rose, by C. B. Langston

  52. A Rose, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

  53. Rose Pogonias, by Robert Frost

  54. Roses, by Louise Driscoll

  55. The Roses, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  56. Shudders of Flowers, by Jean Lahor

  57. The Sick Rose, by William Blake

  58. Spring Winds and Spring Flowers, by Eliza Allen Starr

  59. Summer of Roses, by Francis Jammes

  60. To a Blue Hepatica - by Henry Abbey

  61. To a Field Daisy, by Harriet Maxwell Converse

  62. To a Flower, by C. B. Langston

  63. To an Early Daffodil, by Amy Lowell

  64. To a Vase of Flowers, by C. B. Langston

  65. To the Daisy, by William Wordsworth

  66. To the Daisy II, by William Wordsworth

  67. To the Flowers, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  68. To the Same Flower, by William Wordsworth

  69. To the Small Celandine, by William Wordsworth

  70. Transplanted, by Emily Dickinson

  71. A Tulip Garden, by Amy Lowell

  72. Tulips, by Arthur Guiterman

  73. Violets, by C. B. Langston

  74. Why the Daisies are White, by Mary Dow Brine

  75. Wild Flowers, by Harvey Rice

  76. Wild Flowers (The Wayside Sermon), by Mary Dow Brine

  77. Wind and Window Flower, by Robert Frost

  78. With a Bunch of Wild Roses, by Mary Morgan

  79. Withering Lilies, by Robert Leighton